Books and Catalogues

Si, Soline ! a 100 pages book relating how Soline, a 23 yo french woman, got confidence in herself through beiing photographed. Photos by Alain Zimeray, texts by Francis Lalanne. Michel de Maule publisher. Available Oct 2018.
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Sentinelle des Mers : a 280 pages book about french Navy, why a Navy today, and how it works in which I did most of pictures.
Writen by Philippe Metzger, Admiral Emmanuel Descleves and Admiral Benoit Lugan.
This book has been awarded "Prix Amiral Tourville 2013".
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Articles and Reviews

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Franck Cammas, winner of the Route du Rhum sailing race, 2010 edition. A photo published in Le Figaro, november 9, 2010.
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La Jeanne, Odyssée en Patagonie, an 8 pages portfolio published in april 2010, in Marines et Forces Navales.
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Hommage à la Jeanne, a 12 pages portfolio published in december 2009, in Marines et Forces Navales.
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Jo Royle, American sailing woman, a photography published in Huck Magazine (UK), summer 2009.
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Ellen Mac Arthur, a photography published in L'européen, summer 2009.